This New Year, Take The “Do Over”
Are you strong enough to do what it takes to make it in what you believe is your life’s purpose?
Guest Post / January 5, 2012
When I was a kid, I had this clown that I could punch as hard as I wanted and it would go down and pop back up just as fast as it went down.
That clown actually became a great metaphor for me in my life.
When you get hit and go down… it’s not the hit that counts… it’s how long you stay down there.
I truly believe that your character is defined by how you deal with the hits in life.
How strong are you? Are you strong enough to do what it takes to make it in what you believe is your life’s purpose? Can you take a hit and not take it personally, but instead get up, brush yourself off and spend some time figuring out why you were hit to begin with? So many people wallow in their pain for months; years and sometimes their whole lives. You do not want to be a shoulda, coulda, woulda person! Figure out a way to deal with all the information, get up, seek it out and do it. There is help out there for you to find the answers. Take the “do over.”
That’s what I love about New Years. New Years to me was never about the party or the food or getting drunk – I could do that any time. What I love about New Years is that it gives you a chance to take a “do over.” If you feel that you are in the same place – doing the same thing – feeling the same way – take the “do over.” You can wait another year to take it, but why wait. Take it now. You’ll be glad you did.