By Thai Nguyen
Self-confidence leads to success in every area of life, and lack of self-confidence leads to inaction. Studies show that people with self-confidence are happier and have a more positive outlook on life. When life doesn’t go according to plan, a self-confident person maintains their composure and can turn an obstacle into an opportunity.
I reached out to a top Hollywood Celebrity Acting Coach, Amy Lyndon, and asked how her “15 Guideline Map to Booking Technique” for actors can help anyone and everyone improve their self-confidence. Amy is confident that once you start practicing these tips, you will become a more self-confident and successful person.
1. How Do You Hear What Others Are Saying?
What others are saying and what you are hearing oftentimes doesn’t match. We have a tendency to attach negative meanings and interpretations to what we think we hear. Amy suggests that we write down HOW we hear what others are saying; this will give you an opportunity to evaluate whether you’re interpreting what you hear with a negative connotation. If this is the case, you need to make some changes in how you think people are communicating with you.
2. Know What You’re Doing, Saying and Feeling
Confident people are prepared people. The more an actor knows what they are doing, saying and feeling, the more confident they will be. You don’t need to be an actor to benefit from this practice. If you have an upcoming meeting, rehearse in your mind what a successful meeting will look like. What are you going to be doing in the room? What are you going to say to the potential employer about yourself? What do you want them to feel about you?
3. Map Out Your Emotions
You need to first be in touch with your own emotions in order to master them. Begin to label and notice each emotion you experience throughout the day. Connect with each emotion. Amy teaches her students to sit with each feeling until it becomes a deep connected one. Ask yourself, “What am I feeling? What am I REALLY feeling?” If you know what you’re feeling then you will always be confident about your approach to just about anything.
4. Avoid the “Pitfall” of Monotony
The more diverse life experiences you can expose yourself to, the more confident you will become. Open yourself up to new adventures. You can start small with eating at a new restaurant, trying out a different type of food or traveling to a country you never imagined you would go. Don’t be limited by your own experiences. The more you experience, the more exciting and interesting your life will be.
5. Avoid Toxic Energy
Everyone has a form of energy that radiates from his or her being. But sometimes, that energy can be negative. Be careful of the people you are surrounding yourself with. It’s very subtle. You can suddenly find yourself acting and feeling extremely negative after spending time with others. Once you get better at mapping out your emotions, you’ll be able to notice whenever your emotional energy shifts around other people and their stinkin’ thinkin.’ Don’t let other people inform how you feel.